Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Life In The Big House

Koda's puppies are getting big and are now seven weeks old. Very soon, it will be time for them to go to their new homes. In the meantime, playtime continues at the "Big House" where they have a lot more room to get into trouble!

Puppy agility continues, and they have gotten used to the idea that life is more fun outside of the confines of a simple kennel! Not only do they make quick work of re-arranging everything they can find, they start arguing over the littlest things these days. They do seem to enjoy working on their big dog voices...oh, joy!

The ever-tolerant nannies continue to do their part, though for the life of me, I don't see how they put up with those sharp teeth!

Here, they help up with the cleaning (not so much). I missed getting video of some of them getting ahold of a bag of shavings and spreading them to Kingdom Come! This gives you a pretty good idea of their decorating prowess, though.

Bold, active trouble makers adjust well to new surroundings. Not a shy one in the group!

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