Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Labs Have Arrived!

It's been a little while since we've had little squeakers in the house. Koda's puppies where born 4/27 and she was nice enough to do this during the daytime, such a treat! She's a first time mom and is very gentle with the puppies. We are whelping these puppies for someone else, so it's a relief to have things go well.

This is probably one of the only pictures we have of her that isn't a blur.....she doesn't like sitting still for photos, especially when the Puppy Wrangler is around! (She thinks I rock!)

As is often the case, sometimes Nanny Duty is needed. No worries to the lab people, the golden factor doesn't wear off on the puppies, but we do have a great set of extra mommies who are very attentive.

 All are thriving and becoming little butterballs. We had been rotating them every few hours at night to make sure they all get a fair shot at the good stations of the milk wagon! Now that they are a week old, we can catch up on our sleep.

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