Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Puppy Agility

Whether it's the Nanny or the multitude of feline playthings, these puppies are set for exploring their world! At three weeks, they are Weeble Wobbles, very often falling down or over, but they bounce pretty well! This video shows a compilation of their adventures from 4 to 4-1/2 weeks. While hubby rolls his eyes at the obstacle course in the whelping room, it serves a purpose and keeps them away from his stuff!!

They are becoming vocal and have SUPER acute hearing (read: tiptoe through the tulips, or the hallways, if you don't want to wake the monsters!) This is the week they are starting to crunch on food, as well as fingers and toes. For the life of me, how such little creatures end up with such powerful jaws and needle sharp teeth at this age is beyond me! I have a feeling Gamine would agree with me! They have morphed from hampsters to puppies that like to party. I love this age!

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